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5 Types Of Dental Crowns And Their Advantages

by Andre Daniels

If your tooth is broken, cracked or misshapen, your dentist may suggest a dental crown to correct its appearance and restore functionality. There are multiple types of crowns that are used for dental restoration. Here are a few crown types and their advantages:

Metal Alloy

Alloys, such as gold alloy, nickel alloy or chromium alloy, may be used as the material for a metal crown. These crowns require less tooth debridement than most other crown types. In addition, the amount of wear and tear on adjacent teeth is minimized. Additional advantages include the crown's chip-resistance and durability. Still, metal alloy crowns are not white like tooth enamel, so they are typically used on back teeth that are not readily visible.  

Stainless Steel

A stainless steel crown is a pre-constructed cap that is typically used as a temporary measure to protect a tooth until the permanent crown is ready for placement. However, for kids, a stainless steel crown is used to permanently cover a primary tooth. When the primary tooth eventually falls out, the cap comes out with it. 

The advantage of a stainless steel crown is its prefabrication, which allows it to be placed in one visit and keeps its cost low.

Resin Crowns

Resin crowns can be applied in one visit. In addition, they are inexpensive.

The resin is a tooth-colored plastic that can be molded to mimic the appearance of the tooth, so resin crowns look quite natural. 

Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain mimics the color, translucency and sheen of natural tooth enamel more closely than any other crown material, so these crowns are usually the best option for front teeth. However, porcelain crowns may also be used on side and back teeth.

Porcelain over Metal

Crowns can also be made of porcelain that has a metal underlay. These crowns are also less expensive than porcelain-only crowns. However, they still offer a natural appearance. 

Additionally, the metal of the crown increases its durability and makes it even stronger than an all-ceramic crown. The metal underlay also allows the crown to fit the tooth more precisely.

If you have a tooth that is chipped, cracked, worn away from teeth grinding, or misshapen, a dental crown may be used to protect the tooth and make it look more attractive. If you believe that you may be a candidate for a dental crown, contact a dentist today. He or she will be able to determine whether or not a crown is suitable for you. 

A dentist like Dr. Robert Petrtyl can give you more information.
