fitting family dental visits into a crazy schedule

Invisible Braces: Aligning Your Teeth With Minimal Impact

by Andre Daniels

Misalignment of the teeth can cause anyone, young or old, to feel self conscious of their smile. If you're one such individual, you've likely researched your options before and may have even come across invisible braces. While not everyone qualifies for this option, invisible braces offer a number of benefits which are outlined below.

Why Invisible Braces?

If you're an adult interested in straightening your teeth and giving yourself a smile you'll love, it's likely that braces have crossed your mind.

Braces are a corrective dental device that, over time, work to bring your teeth into proper alignment. There are many braces options, from the typical metal braces to the almost-unnoticeable ceramic ones, to the invisible, removable ones. Each option has its own list of pros and cons but for many adults, and invisible braces seem to be a favorite option as they're the least invasive, the least noticeable, and the easiest to maintain and live with. While they do tend to be more expensive, the aesthetic appeal is a plus for many adults.

How Do Invisible Braces Work?

Invisible braces are plastic retainer-like pieces that work much the same way that other types of braces do but they do so in a more discreet manner.

Whereas regular braces require frequent tightening of the brackets, invisible braces are worn sequentially. Every two to three weeks, you'll receive a new set of braces that fit over your teeth. While the changes will be unnoticeable to you, each new set will be slightly different which will allow them to gently bring your teeth into their proper alignment. While you'll be expected to wear these braces for the majority of the day, they can be removed to eat, drink, and brush which makes them a more versatile option.

Who Qualifies for Invisible Braces?

While more severe cases of misalignment may not be properly fixed with invisible braces and may require the more typical metal or ceramic ones, it's always a good idea to get an opinion from your dentist before ruling them out.

Invisible braces can help to treat a number of alignment issues, including crowding, overbite, underbite, and even crossbite. While your alignment issues may seem severe, xrays and a thorough examination may show that invisalign is a workable option. If invisible braces aren't right for you, remember that there are options other than the typical metal ones. Ceramic braces are clear and much less noticeable than their metal counterparts, and they can handle the same alignment issues as metal braces.

To learn more about invisible braces and whether you quality, consult with a cosmetic dentistry clinic. 
