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3 Signs That Your Wisdom Teeth Need To Be Removed

by Andre Daniels

Wisdom teeth, which are the third molars, are the last teeth to present in the mouth, and they can cause quite a bit of discomfort. In fact, many wisdom teeth should be removed due to oral health issues that stem from their placement in the mouth. Here are a few signs that your wisdom teeth may need to be removed:

Pain Around the Teeth

Wisdom teeth sometimes cause pain as they erupt. Some discomfort is to be expected as the teeth push through the gums. However, persistent pain could be caused by the positioning of the teeth. For instance, wisdom teeth that are not properly aligned may present in a sideways manner that places great amounts of pressure on adjacent teeth and consequently causes discomfort.

Painful, Swollen Gums Around the Teeth

Pain can also be caused by gum inflammation around a wisdom tooth. Sometimes, a wisdom tooth only presents partially. The rear portion of the tooth may remain covered by a hood of gums that forms a pocket around the tooth. This pocket can trap food, bacteria and plaque that can irritate the gums. The resulting inflammation can cause swelling, pain, and bleeding.

The inflammation may remain until the trapped material is cleaned from the pocket. Although removing the matter may improve the condition of the gums, unless the wisdom tooth is extracted, the condition can recur. 

Misaligned Teeth

Wisdom teeth that present in a sideways manner can cause dental misalignment even if the teeth do not erupt from the gums. If your teeth start to take on a crowded appearance even though you have had no prior problems, the issue could be caused by your wisdom teeth. 

To determine the placement of a wisdom tooth that has not presented, your dentist can take dental x-rays. If he or she determines that the wisdom teeth are unable to present in a normal manner, the dentist may prescribe surgical extraction. Since the teeth are below the gum line, the gums need to be cut away to access the teeth for removal. Once the teeth are removed, the other teeth may settle back into proper position. However, if they do not, alignment applications, such as braces, may be required.

If your wisdom teeth have not been removed, schedule an appointment with a dentist in your area to have them assessed. He or she can advise of whether or not the teeth should be extracted.

For wisdom teeth removal, contact an office such as Family Medical Dental Center. 
