fitting family dental visits into a crazy schedule

How To Keep Your Gingivitis From Getting Even Worse

by Andre Daniels

Gingivitis is the earliest stage of gum disease, and unfortunately, while its symptoms are unpleasant, it can certainly get worse. Gum disease will worsen if it isn't treated properly, so if you think you're experiencing the symptoms of gum disease, like bleeding and inflamed gums, you should do what you can to control and beat this illness. Here's what you can do to get started.

Flossing and Flossing

Flossing is an absolute must if you want to prevent gum disease or prevent it from getting worse. Little scraps of food get stuck between your teeth and under your gum line that can contribute to gum disease or outright cause if it you don't have it already. Toothbrushing doesn't do a good job of removing these scraps, so if you don't floss, you're probably in for a bad time.

The good thing is you don't have to traditionally floss if you don't want to. Water flossing is a good alternative that can effectively blast away plaque and food scraps. However, you must do at least one of these if you really want to get rid of your gum disease. Don't skip flossing, no matter which kind you decide to do.

Avoid Sugar

Sugar is a big problem, but typically people think that sugar is only responsible for cavities. However, that's actually not true. Sugar can trigger gum disease, too.

Gum disease is ultimately caused by the same bacteria that can cause cavities. When you eat sugar, that sugar feeds the bacteria and causes it to produce more plaque. These bacteria reproduce in higher numbers when they have plenty to eat — in other words, the more sugar you eat, the more bacteria you're likely to have.

Cutting down on the amount of sugar you eat can effectively help to starve bacteria and lower the amount of plaque that they produce. This can slow the progression of gum disease, and with enough flossing and brushing, it can allow you to reverse it.

See Dentist

Finally, see a dentist. Yes, many people are hesitant to do so, but it's best to go when a problem is in its early stages. That makes it easier for a dentist to treat, it makes it easier to resolve, and you're able to go on your way without any intense dental procedures that can take a lot of time and cost a lot of money.

Your dentist will thoroughly clean your teeth and gums and will use an ultrasonic scaler to break down any built-up tartar. This will give your gums a chance to recover and heal. With appropriate care at home, your gum disease is likely to go away very quickly.

With these three steps, you can annihilate your gingivitis and prevent it from becoming the more severe form of periodontitis. Talk to a dentist, set up an appointment, and start flossing and avoiding sugar as much as possible as a form of preventative dental care.
