fitting family dental visits into a crazy schedule

Reasons Why You Will Get To Know Your Dentist Well

by Andre Daniels

You should come to know your dentist fairly well because you should be going in for dental check-ups and other treatments often enough that they get to know you as time goes on. You can learn more about some of the occasions when you should see your dentist here.

Regular dental maintenance

For most people who don't have any dental issues, the dentist may want to see them anywhere from every six months to once a year. The length of time the patient will go between visits will not only depend on the shape their teeth are in but also other things. Some of these other considerations include things like the patient's age, whether the patient has certain types of underlying health conditions like diabetes, the patient's dental history, the patient's lifestyle choices, and more. Someone who has dental issues may be asked to regularly come back in for visits about every three or four months. 

During regular check-ups, the dentist will likely take x-rays and give a complete oral exam. If there are no problems to be found, then the patient will be set up with their next appointment and be on their way until that next visit. If there are problems found, then the dentist will go over treatment options and follow through with the appropriate treatment either on that day or at another appointment. 

Cosmetic dental treatments

A lot of people will go in to see the dentist when they aren't happy with the way their teeth look. They may have teeth that are crowding one another and causing crookedness, they may have a missing tooth, they may have discolored teeth, or they can have any other number of cosmetic issues that they would like to have addressed. Some of the different types of cosmetic treatments a person may end up having done include having porcelain veneers put on, having their teeth professionally cleaned, or having bonding put on one or more teeth. If you aren't happy with the look of your own teeth, then you may also see your dentist for this as well. 

Dental problems

Another reason why you may find yourself going to the dentist is for a dental issue. You may find yourself dealing with an abscessed tooth or a tooth infection. You may have a toothache that is being caused by an unknown issue. You might have had an accident that has chipped, broken, or even knocked out one or more of your teeth.
