fitting family dental visits into a crazy schedule

Stopping Gum Issues Before It's Too Late

by Andre Daniels

Almost everyone understands the importance of taking care of their teeth. They brush and floss as directed and they see the dentist for regular cleanings. Few people give as much thought to their gums as they do the more visible areas of their mouth, though. You might be surprised at how damaging gum diseases are and how effective early treatment can be to prevent problems. Read on to find out more.

Underlying Gum Concerns

The signs of a cavity can be pretty obvious and uncomfortable. Gum issues can be more difficult to notice and may exist for a long time before a problem is detected. When you are speaking of gum disease, you are likely talking about an infection in your gums caused by the invasion of bacteria. Microbes can enter your gums in several ways — all it takes is a loose tooth, decay, or a missing tooth for an opening to occur. Once breached, gums can be subject to a number of infection issues.

What to Watch For

Unlike a cavity, gum problems don't always present with pain. Gums that are painful or swollen always warrant a trip to the dentist, but you might also want to watch for the below signs that all is not well with your gums:

  • Loose teeth. If you can move a tooth with your finger, it might be loose enough to encourage the invasion of bacteria.
  • Receding gums. As infection occurs, the gums can appear to separate from the teeth.
  • Irritation and swelling.
  • Bleeding with brushing or flossing.

Steps to Take

Gum disease is not an isolated condition. When gums are inflamed, abscesses can occur. An abscess is a pocket of pus on your gums. It may feel sore. Get to your dentist right away if you notice such a pocket. Abscesses can lead to far more serious problems. Even infections that don't enter your bloodstream can create long-term, sometimes-permanent conditions. Gum diseases can cause the bones in your jaw to deteriorate, which can affect the stability and appearance of the bottom of your face. To avoid these serious problems, take these steps:

  1. You brush every day, so take a few extra moments to ensure good health by brushing your teeth the right way. Use gentle motions on every surface of your teeth. Don't forget to brush your tongue too.
  2. Never go to bed without taking care of your teeth. Food and bacteria that remain overnight can cause an acceleration in dental problems.
  3. Regular visits to the dentist are important. The dentist and hygienist know how to spot the beginnings of gum problems before they do permanent damage.

To find out more, speak to your family dentist about your gum health.
