fitting family dental visits into a crazy schedule

Don't Let Dental Anxiety Keep You From Getting The Oral Care You Need

by Andre Daniels

Dental anxiety is a real problem for many adults and children. While some people feel this anxiety as the result of irrational fears, others will find that their anxiety stems from a specific issue such as embarrassment by the fact that their teeth and gums are in bad condition. Regardless of what may be causing your feelings of anxiety, it is important to find ways in which to cope with these feelings so that you can get the quality oral care you need. The tips below can help you to achieve this goal.

Schedule A Non-Procedural Appointment With Your Dentist

Many people find that their anxiety is more manageable when they are able to connect with their dentist on a more personal level. This is especially true for individuals who find their anxiety is a result of fear or embarrassment. By building a trusting relationship with their dentist before any actual dental procedures are scheduled to be completed, these individuals are able to alleviate a lot of the feelings of discomfort and anxiety that they feel. 

Don't Arrive At The Dentist Too Soon

While it is always a good idea to arrive a few minutes before your schedule appointment in case there is any paperwork that you need to complete, you will want to avoid showing up too early for your dental appointment. The more time you spend sitting in the waiting room before seeing the actual dentist, the more time your imagination will have to get the better of you. This can lead to a bad experience that will only make your dental anxiety worse in the future. You should also be sure to bring along a magazine or other media that you can use to distract you while you wait in order to keep feelings of anxiety at bay. 

Ask About Sedation Options

If you find that your dental anxiety is so severe that it prevents you from comfortably being able to receive the dental care you need even when utilizing basic coping techniques, you may benefit from what is known as sedation dentistry. Dentists are often able to offer a variety of sedation options that range from a mild sedative to full anesthesia depending upon the severity of your anxiety and the complexity of the procedures that must be completed. Not all dentists will offer the same sedation options to patients, so it is important to inquire about the availability of sedation dentistry procedures before scheduling an appointment with a specific dentist. 
