fitting family dental visits into a crazy schedule

When Is It A Dental Emergency?

by Andre Daniels

When you see your dentist for your routine exams, then you will go in for a pre-scheduled appointment. However, if you have something happen to your mouth or teeth that is considered an emergency, you will want to get in to see the dentist right away. You can learn more about what constitutes emergency dental treatment when you read the rest of this article. 

You are in a great deal of pain

If you have something going on with your teeth and it is causing you pain, this would be considered an emergency. Pain is your body's way of letting you know there is a problem. So when you have a lot of pain, it can indicate that you need to seek immediate attention. Plus, you don't want to go on for days in that much pain until you can get in for a regular appointment. 

You are bleeding from your mouth

If you have a little blood coming from your mouth that stops on its own, then you may be fine to wait for a scheduled dental appointment. However, if you have a good deal of blood and/or you can't get the bleeding under control, this is an emergency. When it's an emergency, you need to go in right away for treatment.

You have an exposed nerve

If you have an exposed tooth nerve, it can cause you to experience excruciating pain. On top of this, the condition is only going to get worse until you finally get in. You can end up with an infection, which would make matters worse. Infection can set in quickly. An exposed nerve would be considered a dental emergency. 

You have lost a tooth

If you have knocked your tooth out, then you will be dealing with a dental emergency, and acting quickly can save your tooth. You want to save your tooth and bring it with you to the dentist. This way, there will be the chance they can put it back in the socket, and you can keep the tooth. If you can put the tooth back in the socket yourself until you get to the dentist, then this is the way to go. Otherwise, you can keep the tooth in your mouth between your cheek and gum.


If you have a dental emergency, then getting treatment right away may increase the chances of you keeping your teeth. It can also prevent symptoms from worsening that can end up leading to other health issues. For example, an untreated tooth infection can spread to other parts of your body. 
