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6 Terms To Know About Dental Implants

by Andre Daniels

Are you in need of a dental implant to replace a missing tooth? You likely are going to hear a bunch of terms thrown around by your dentist that you've never heard before. Here are some of the key terms that you should understand.


A dental implant is commonly referred to as an implant, but the actual implant only makes up a small part of it. The implant is a titanium post that is placed into the jawbone to form an artificial root. This titanium post eventually integrates together with the jawbone so that it is as solid as a natural tooth's root.


The process of the titanium post integrating with the jawbone is called osseointegration. It can take several months for this to happen, but it is a crucial part of the entire process. If the titanium post doesn't properly bond with the jawbone, then the implant will not be stable.


Having the post integrated with your jawbone is not enough, since you need another piece to make sure that everything else connects. This is where the abutment comes into place since it is a small threaded piece that is secured to the dental implant. This is what makes it possible to remove the dental implant later if necessary.


The crown is attached to the abutment in one of two ways. It is possible to attach a dental crown to the abutment through a small screw. However, a crown can also be secured to the abutment using dental cement. The process of attaching the dental crown is much like putting a crown on an actual tooth since that dental cement is going to keep it in place for a long time.


Another term that is thrown around is loading, which is a fancy way of saying that the dentist will attach the crown to the post and abutment. Standard loading is when the crown is attached after several months so the titanium post has had time to fully integrate. Immediate loading is when the crown is placed on the implant right after the procedure.

Bone Graft

Anyone that has a weak jawbone is going to need a bone graft before they can get a dental implant. This is a procedure where donor bone or bone from another part of the body is transplanted to the site where the implant will go. It will take a while for the bone graft to fully heal before an implant can then be placed into the jawbone.

For more information on dental implant treatment, contact a professional near you.
