fitting family dental visits into a crazy schedule

Dental Problems That Warrant An Emergency Visit To Your Pediatric Dentist

by Andre Daniels

A dental problem can wipe the happy smile off of your child's face pretty fast, especially if it causes them pain and discomfort. You can resolve some issues at home with proper dental care procedures, such as brushing and flossing their teeth. However, schedule an emergency appointment with your pediatric dentist if you can't resolve the problem at home.

A pediatric dentist can detect and treat many dental problems and restore your child's happy smile.

Here are some dental emergencies a pediatric dentist can treat.

Knocked Out Permanent Teeth

If your child gets into an accident and knocks out one or more of their permanent teeth, you need to get them to the pediatric dentist fast. You should also check for other injuries on their face or body and call 911 for help.

Before you get to the dentist's, you can help your child avoid further damage and pain. Here's what to do:  

  • Control the bleeding, and if you can't, take your child to the ER
  • Hold the tooth by the crown. Don't touch the root, and clean any dirt or debris on the tooth with clean water
  • Reinsert the tooth in its socket and ask your child to bite down on a piece of cloth or gauze till you get to the dentist

If you can't reinsert the tooth, place it in a container of cold milk or a saline solution and carry it to the doctor.

The dentist will clean your child's gum and replant the knocked-off teeth and give you tips to help your child through the healing process.  

Dental Abscess

A dental abscess can be very painful for your child and cause them discomfort when eating. Abscess is an infection in the tooth root that forms pus and can lead to different health issues, including:

  • Toothaches and tooth sensitivity
  • Fever
  • Swelling in the face
  • Swollen lymph nodes on your child's jaw or neck

If you notice these symptoms in your child, take them to a children's dentist. The dentist will assess the level of infection on your child's tooth and determine how to treat it.

If the abscess is so severe that your child has a high fever, difficulty breathing, or an extremely swollen face, take them straight to the ER.

Toothaches and Sensitive Teeth

If your child has a toothache, help them clean their teeth and remove food particles. You can also help them floss and swirl mouthwash in their mouth. However, if the toothache persists, it's time to visit a pediatric dentist.

Some of the common causes of toothache in children include:

  • Tooth decay
  • Dental abscess
  • Gum disease
  • Cracked enamel

The dentist should establish the cause of your child's toothache and treat them accordingly.

You should also take your child to see a dentist if they have tooth sensitivity to establish the cause of sensitivity and treat it. Some common causes of teeth sensitivity in children include:

  • Cavities and dental injuries
  • Loose fillings
  • Enamel or gum erosion
  • Sinuses

The dentist will recommend the proper dental practices to help your child heal from the sensitivity and prescribe medicine where necessary. 
