fitting family dental visits into a crazy schedule

Restoring Your Smile's Appearance With Dental Implants

by Andre Daniels

Using dental implants to restore tooth loss has become increasingly prevalent. Compared to traditional tooth replacement options like dentures or bridges, dental implants offer a far better success rate and several advantages.

What Is The Comparison Between Dental Implants And Other Tooth Replacement Options?

Dental implants provide several advantages over more conventional treatment methods. In contrast to dentures, which can cause discomfort when speaking or chewing, dental implants are permanently attached to the jawbone. This stability allows for more natural chewing and speaking abilities. Furthermore, unlike bridges, which require the reduction of healthy, nearby teeth for support, dental implants may stand on their own.

Comfort, aesthetics, and long-term maintenance should be considered when deciding between tooth replacement options. Dental implants offer a durable solution that can last a lifetime with proper care. Because they are manufactured specifically to fit the color and form of the patient's teeth, they also give the patient a more natural appearance.

What Is Involved With The Process Of Getting Dental Implants?

Dental implant treatment begins with a consultation, during which you and your dentist will talk about your current oral health and your hopes for the future. X-rays and scans may be taken to determine the quantity and quality of your jawbone, which is crucial for successful implant placement.

After settling on a treatment plan, the next step is to have dental implants surgically inserted into your jaw. Local anesthetic is commonly used during this surgery so that the patient feels little to no pain. After implant placement, a healing period allows for fusing between the implant and the surrounding bone tissue.

Can A Person With Gum Disease Get Dental Implants?

Gum disease can affect one's eligibility for dental implants as it weakens the supporting structures around teeth, including gums and jawbone. However, this does not necessarily mean that individuals with gum disease are automatically disqualified from receiving implants.

Before proceeding with dental implant surgery, thoroughly addressing any existing gum disease issues is crucial. Your dentist may recommend periodontal treatments such as deep cleaning or scaling and root planing to restore oral health before considering implant placement.

Is There A Specific Age Limit For Getting Dental Implants?

Age alone is not a determining factor regarding eligibility for dental implants. However, certain age-related factors may be considered during the treatment planning process. Younger individuals with fully developed jawbones tend to have better bone quality, which can contribute to higher success rates. Older adults may experience some bone loss over time, but this can often be addressed with additional procedures such as bone grafting.

In order to establish if dental implants are right for you, your dentist will examine your jawbone and general health at your first appointment. Factors such as existing medical conditions and medications will also be considered.

For more information, contact a cosmetic dental service near you.
