fitting family dental visits into a crazy schedule

  • Preparing Your Child For A First Dental Visit: 4 Tips For Success

    16 December 2016

    Scheduling your child's first dental cleaning can be a nerve-wracking process—not just for you, but for your child as well. A lot of children are inherently nervous or anxious about going to the dentist, but it's important for them to realize how vital regular dental cleanings and exams are for their health. By taking a few preparation steps, however, parents can make that first visit a stress-free one for all involved.

  • Gingivoplasty for Periodontitis: What to Know

    29 November 2016

    Periodontal disease is a highly prevalent dental issue affecting one in every two Americans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It occurs when bacteria infect the gums and cause inflammation. At advanced stages the infection causes loss of the soft tissue and bone that support your teeth, called the periodontium. In some cases surgical intervention is needed to repair and restore this important structure. Surgery helps eliminate pockets between the gum and tooth and regenerate a healthy gum line.

  • 4 Common Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry

    8 November 2016

    When you hear the words, "cosmetic dentistry," what do you think about? Do you immediately think about expensive dental procedures that can make you instantly more beautiful? Below are four of the common misconceptions that people have regarding cosmetic dentistry, and why they are not necessarily true.  Your Insurance Won't Pay for Cosmetic Dentistry  Many insurance companies will not pay for procedures, such as teeth whitening, because they are considered elective as opposed to necessary.

  • Helping Your Child Feel More Comfortable Going To The Dentist: Tips For You

    3 October 2016

    When it comes time to take your child to the dentist, you may find it difficult to convince them that going to see a children's dental care specialist is not in any way scary or something to be worried about. Many children have fear-based reactions to going to the dentist for a wide variety of reasons. As a parent, however, you want to do everything you can to help them have a more positive association with going to the dentist so that your children have lifelong, healthy oral care habits.

  • 4 Reasons To Get Your Teen Braces Besides Appearance

    3 October 2016

    The most common time period when a child gets braces is just before their teens or during their teen years, after their baby teeth have all fallen out and permanent teeth have taken their place. You may have a teen who is concerned about the appearance of their smile, such as crooked teeth, a gap in their front teeth, or misalignment of their bite. If you are reluctant to get your older child braces simply so they can improve the look of their teeth, consider these 4 other benefits of braces that may change your mind.

  • The Role Saliva Plays In Cleaning Your Teeth

    14 September 2016

    When you think of saliva, the thought probably does not trigger pleasant thoughts or sensations in your mind; however, you might be surprised to find out that saliva plays a huge role in oral care. Here are several things you should know about saliva and the way it helps keep your teeth clean and healthy. What Is Saliva For? Saliva is present in your mouth for several key reasons, and it is produced by glands inside your mouth.

  • Fruity Ways To Whiten Your Teeth

    26 August 2016

    If your teeth are looking a little yellow, there are many different methods you can use to whiten your teeth. However, some of these methods can be costly or require you to purchase specialty items at a store. If you are looking for something that is inexpensive and/or uses items you likely already have in your home, look to fruit. Here are a few different ways you can attempt to whiten your teeth with different types of fruit.

  • 3 Signs That Your Wisdom Teeth Need To Be Removed

    5 August 2016

    Wisdom teeth, which are the third molars, are the last teeth to present in the mouth, and they can cause quite a bit of discomfort. In fact, many wisdom teeth should be removed due to oral health issues that stem from their placement in the mouth. Here are a few signs that your wisdom teeth may need to be removed: Pain Around the Teeth Wisdom teeth sometimes cause pain as they erupt.

  • Three Common Questions Concerning Getting A Dental Crown

    20 July 2016

    When you are unfortunate enough to suffer damage to your teeth, there are a number of treatments that can be used to correct this damage. Yet, there are many dental patients that are not as informed about these treatments as they need to be. In particular, patients may benefit from having questions concerning dental crowns answered so that they can better weigh this dental repair option. What Types Of Problems Are Crowns Used To Correct?

  • Getting Same Day Dental Crown Treatments

    4 July 2016

    Cracking a tooth can lead to serious pain and serious problems. In order to solve those problems, you will need to see if your dentist can provide you with same day dental crowns. A dental crown is a cap that covers the hole or crack in your tooth, using materials like porcelain, metal-alloy and stainless steel. Think about these tips for same day dental crowns in order to fix your tooth.